Excerpts from "Stavacintāmaṇi of Bhaṭṭa Nārāyaṇa"

04 Jun 2021 |

Excerpts from Stavacintāmaṇi of Bhaṭṭa Nārāyaṇa translation by Boris Marjanovic.

कः पन्था येन न प्राप्यः
का च वाङ्नोच्यसे यया ।
किं ध्यानं येन न ध्येयः
किं वा किं नासि यत्प्रभो ।।२१।।

Sanskrit Word English Meaning
पन्था path
येन in which manner
प्राप्य accessible
ध्येय to be meditated on

By which physical activity You are not attained? Which word that does not express You? What meditation is there by which You are not meditated on? What’s more, O Lord, what is that where You are not? (21)

नमो निःशेषधीपत्रि-
मालालयमयात्मने ।
नाथाय स्थाणवे तुभ्यं
नागयज्ञोपवीतिने ।।२३।।

Sanskrit Word English Meaning
निःशेष entire / complete
नाथ master / lord
तुभ्यम् your
यज्ञोपवीतक sacred thread

Salutations to the imperishable Lord Sthāṇu, whose sacred thread is the serpent Vāsuki, and whose very Self is the resting place of all the mental fluctuations of all living beings. (23)

या या दिक्तत्र न क्वासि
सर्वः कालो भवन्मयः ।
इति लब्धोऽपि कर्हि त्वं
लप्स्यसे नाथ कथ्यताम् ।।५६।।

Sanskrit Word English Meaning
सर्व every
कालो time
लब्धोदय one who has attained prosperity
कर्हि when
त्वं you
कथ्यथां please tell

Where is that place in which You are not (present) ? Time exists only in the identity with You; thus, although already attained, tell me - O Lord when the state of identity with You will be attained. (56)

गर्भं त्रैलोक्यनाटकम् ।
प्रस्ताव्य हर संहर्तुं
त्वत्तः कोऽन्यः कविः क्षमः ।।५९।।

Sanskrit Word English Meaning
विसृष्ट produced
त्रैलोक्य three worlds
प्रस्ताव्य to be preluded or introduced with a prastAva
क्षम fit for / suitable

O Hara, which poet but You is capable of withdrawing the drama of the three worlds that has been introduced and which possesses in its womb multitude of shining seeds? (59)

विश्वस्य परमेश्वर ।
धर्मग्रामः प्रवृत्तो
यस्त्वत्तो न स कुतो भवेत् ।।७०।।

Sanskrit Word English Meaning
प्रवृत्त commenced / engaged in

You Parameśvara are the injunction itself, its originator, and also its fruit; otherwise from where would this collection of beings come if not from You. (70)

नाथ स्वप्नेऽपि यत्कुर्यां
ब्रूयां व साध्वसाधु वा ।
सर्वत्रात्रास्मि निर्वृतः ।।१०३।

Sanskrit Word English Meaning
यत्कार्यम् with which intention
साध्वसाधु good and bad things
निर्वृत content

Whatever good or bad I may do or say, even in a dream – O Lord – it is because of enthusiasm (derived from) my identity with You that I remain here, in all these activities, full of bliss. (103)

Note : English meanings from Learnsanskrit.cc

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