Excerpts from "Lord Śiva's Song - The Īśvara Gītā"

10 Jun 2022 |

Chapter 2

30. When all-pervading consciousness shines in the mind constantly, without interruption, then the yogi attains himself.

37. Here on earth, rivers and streams become one with the ocean. Likewise the self becomes one with imperishable, undivided brahman.

Chapter 3

11. The spirit, standing with matter, experiencing the guṇas of matter, is called the twenty-fifth principle because it is free from ego.

Chapter 6

45. all the universes that will be, and the things inside of them, always fulfill the order of the supreme, highest self.

Chapter 11

11. Breath control, meditation, sense withdrawal, concentration, absorption, restraints, observances, and posture—Best of sages,

12. yoga is the one-pointed focus of the mind on me through suppression of other mental activity. I have just told you its eight means.

31. There are three types of breath control: higher, lower, and middle. Each of these three is also of two types: seeded and unseeded.

32. The suppression of the breath for twelve beats is the weak, for twenty-four beats is the middle, and for thirty-six beats is the higher.

33. The weak causes perspiration, the middle causes trembling, and the higher causes levitation. Bliss is greatest with the last one.

34. The wise say that the “seeded” is accompanied by mental recitation. “Unseeded” is not. In this way yogis define breath control.

39. Concentration is fixing the mind on a place such as the heart-lotus, the navel, the forehead, or the peak of a mountain.

40. The intellect’s continued activity resting in a single place, unmixed with other mental activity, is what the wise know as meditation.

41. Absorption is cognition whose form is one and the same as the thing itself, without a support in any place at all. It is the best of the means of yoga.

53. Binding himself in the svastika, lotus, or half posture, his gaze resting evenly on the tip of his nose, with eyes slightly open,

54. calm and free from fear, he renounces this world consisting of magical power. He concentrates on the supreme lord, the god who resides in his own self.