Excerpts from "Sri Devikalottara" Part - 2

14 May 2022 |

36. Meditate on the peerless Self which pervades all the various forms, yet remains without any blemish (being unaffected by them), just as ether, pervading all the creations made up of the five elements, remains unsullied at the time of their dissolution.

38. Do not practise meditation by fixing the mind on the six adhara chakras, the ones that are up or down or in the middle, or anywhere else. Giving up all such meditations, make the mind always devoid of any support (either inside or outside).

39. If the mind falls asleep, awaken it. Then if it starts wandering, make it quiet. If you reach the state where there is neither sleep nor movement of mind, stay still in that, the natural (real) state.

40. The state in which the mind is bereft of any support to cling to, ever faultless and pure, and devoid of worldly attachments, is the nature of liberation attained through knowledge. Keep this firmly in mind.

41. Dispelling all attachments completely, and fixing that mind in the Heart firmly, persist in your practice always in order to strengthen the awareness, which then shines forth with great effulgence and clarity.

42. Know that whoever meditates on that supreme void and becomes established in it by virtue of constant practice,will definitely attain the great state which is beyond birth and death.

44. All objects of attachments are said to be pairs of opposites (happiness and misery, good and bad, profit and loss, victory and defeat, and so on). When one rises above those pairs of opposites, one realises the Supreme. Such a yogi is a jivanmukta, liberated from bondage. On discarding the body, he becomes a videhamukta.

46. The Consciousness which shines as `I’ in the Heart- lotus is pure (flawless) and perfectly steady (without a trace of movement). By destroying the ego, which rises (from that Consciousness), that Consciousness itself bestows the supreme joy of liberation. Be sure about it.

58. I am not the gross body, nor am I the subtle body. I am also not the causal body. I am the kinsman of the universe. I am the One who is of the nature of transcendental knowledge. I am moreover the eternal One, the Lord, the taintless One, the One who is devoid of the states (of waking, dream and sleep), the One who is devoid of the universe.

59. The beginningless Consciousness is unborn, whole and, residing forever in its natural home of the Heart-cave, is without form, world or impurity. It is beyond comparison and completely unattached. It cannot be comprehended by the mind nor can it be seen or felt by the senses.

74. Maintain a neutral attitude towards all things; do not get infatuated with anything; maintain equanimity whether in happiness or suffering; be the same to friends and enemies; treat alike a broken piece of mud pot and a piece of gold.

78. Gradually and completely get rid of jealousy, slander, pomp, passion, consequent hatred, desire, anger, fear and sorrow.