Excerpts from "Vairāgya-Śatakam of Bhartṛhari"

24 May 2022 |

एको रागिषु राजते प्रियतमादेहार्धहारी हरो नीरागेषु जनो विमुक्तललनासङ्गो न यस्मात्परः । दुर्वारस्मरबाणपन्नगविषव्याविद्धमुग्धो जनः शेषः कामविडम्बितान्न विषयान्भोक्तुं न मोक्तुं क्षमः ।।१७।।

Among sensual persons, Śiva is unique, sharing half His body with His beloved; and again, among the dispassionate, there is none superior to Him, unattached to the company of women; while the rest of mankind, smitten and stupefied by the irresistible, serpent-like poisoned arrows of Cupid, and brought under the infatuation of Love, can neither enjoy their desires nor renounce them at will. (17)

आयुः कल्लोललोलं कतिपयदिवसस्थायिनी यौवनश्री- रर्थाः संकल्पकल्पा घनसमयतडिद्विभ्रमा भोगपूगाः । कण्ठाश्लेषोपगूढं तदपि च न चिरं यत्प्रियाभिः प्रणीतं ब्रह्मण्यासक्तचित्ता भवत भवभयाम्भोधिपारं तरीतुम् ।।३६।।

  1. Life is changing like a big wave, beauty of youth abides for a few days; earthly possessions are as transient as thought; the whole series of our enjoyments are like (occasional) flashes of lightning during the monsoons; the embrace round the neck given by our beloved ones lingers only for a while. To cross the ocean (of the fear) of the world, attach your mind to Brahman.

परिभ्रमसि किं मुधा क्वचन चित्त विश्राम्यतां स्वयं भवति यद्यथा भवति तत्तथा नान्यथा । अतीतमननुस्मरन्नपि च भाव्यसंकल्पय- न्नतर्कितसमागमाननुभवामि भोगानहम् ।।६२।।

  1. Why dost thou, my mind, wander about in vain? Rest (thyself) somewhere. Whatever happens in a particular way, happens so by itself, and not otherwise. So not thinking over the past, nor resolving about the future, I realize enjoyments that come without engaging my thoughts.